Advantages & Challenges of “E learning” at HRM


As per Amstrong (2006), E learning could be defined as “Delivering the training & development opportunities through electronic methods”.

It is not much about technology, but more focus has been given on the learning aspect of it. There are different types of e learnings available (Armstrong, 2006). They are,

·         Self Paced e-learning – Learner is using technological methods without an instructer

·         Live e-learning – Learner & Instructor both available actively via electronic method

·         Collaborative e-learning – Support through Discussion Forums, Chat rooms to share the knowledge & experience while learning

Pinto, (2020) has listed some advantages & challenges of e-learning process


1.       Efficiency – E-learning offers a very efficient way to deliver lessons. Use of videos, sharing of resource links, serving assessment tests can all be done at the click of a button.

2.       Affordability – E-learning is far more affordable as compared to physical learning.

3.       Less absenteeism – There are fewer chances of learners missing out on sessions, as they can access easily anytime from the comfort of their home. 

4.       Increased Access & Reach – E-learning can happen in any place, as long as there is a device and connectivity.


1.       Not appropriate for all – It is a well-known fact that students have a dominant learning style. Some a visual, some auditory, some kinesthetic, etc.

2.       Focus Deficit – Some students tend to lose focus for a longer period during virtual lectures. Boredom occurs easily as there is a lack of face to face interaction.

3.       Technology issues  Any break in the data connectivity can cause a lack of continuity in the learning for the learner, which can be detrimental.

4.       Lack of social interaction – Human beings learn a lot by simply being around other human beings. Unfortunately, e-learning takes away all physical interactions that learner and instructor might have on the premises.


e-learning platforms available in Sri Lanka

As per “Lanka, (2020), following are the frontline e-learning websites available in locally.


2.       e-thaksalawa

3.       Nenasa App – Available in Google Play Store

4.       Dialog Viu App - Available in Google Play Store and App Store


In line with the previous lockdown procedures due to COVID 19 pandemic, the importance of the electronic based learnings has massively increased. Most of the institutions including government & private schools, tuition classes too being continued through e-based platforms remotely during the pandemic period.

In our institution N.T.B Plc already has a e-learning platform which is mainly focused on self paced learning. The employers could log in to the system leisurely and increase the knowledge on products & procedures by basically perusing the inranet.

However, in line with the COID 19 pandemic, the same has developed up to “Live Learning” & “Collaborative Learning” stage where most of the trainings Learnings & Discussion forums are carrying out on e-based methods.



Armstrong. M. (2006). Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. London, Kogan Page.583-590

Pinto R. (2020). E-learning: The Advantages and Challenges. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 22 November 2020]

Lanka Education (2020). Online Education & E-Learning GROWING in Sri Lanka [Online] Available at:  [Accessed 22 November 2020]


  1. In my opinion the e-learning system is not suitable for a developing country like ours because our country's technology sector has not developed yet and the economic level of many people in our country has not improved enough to buy the tools they need.

  2. Good choosen of timely important topic. Modern technological era training also revolute from it traditional way. Further the pandamic we are currently experiencing the value and important of virtual platforms .

  3. E-learning in the UAE

    The Asia is the fastest growing market for e-learning in the world, with a growth rate of 17.3% per year.

    It important to remember that the positive role of e-learning in sustainable development is dependent on the availability of clear plans for e-learning and local and international conditions to guarantee credibility and quality, the continuing training for the human element related to new technologies, and periodic maintenance plans for technological infrastructure to cope with constant technological development (Massah, 2014).

    Massah, S., 2014. Future for advance research and studies. [Online]
    Available at:
    [Accessed 11 December 2020].

  4. E learning is a good solution when it comes to allowing the trainee to self study and use his flexibility to utilize the time. But in some cases, there may be difficulties in meeting the 100% expected outcome of the training or work.

  5. e learning is more effective in modern countries than developing countries because of lack of technology and resources.


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