Recruitment & Selection in HRM


Organization uses various types of resources. Human resource is one of them and is the most valuable among resources area. Human resources are the living resources, which utilize all other resource effectively to achieve the organization goal. Human Resource Management refers to the techniques through which we can manage the human resources precisely and have better output to achieve the ultimate goal of an organization. To achieve the ultimate target of a company management plays a vital role. They formula various policies and procedures and perform different activities to overcome all kinds of barriers and to reach the goal of the company (Griffin, 2006). But these kinds of activities will be possible only when the plans and policies are favorable to the human resources of an organization. Management always tries to follow the interest of an organization. At the same time, they also try to satisfy the human resources because any company cannot achieve the goal in the short run, without caring the satisfaction of human resources.

Recruitment is the process of finding and engaging the people the organization needs. Selections that part of the recruitment process concerned with deciding which applicants or candidates should be appointed to jobs.

According to the Gorter (1996) Some of the research professionals and scholars say that there is a close linkage between the recruitment selection employee satisfaction organization performance and HR practices.

Selection is the second step in the in the process of man power planning. Selection is the process of choosing the appropriate candidate which matches the candidate skills and the job requirements (Bhattacharyya, 2010). Selection process will be lengthy for large organizations and will be wider for manufacturing organizations and it differs from one industry to other (Venkatesh, 2008).

According to the Dale Yoder selection means dividing the total job applicants into two classes as selected and not selected (K.Aswathapa, 2007). There are many factors that are to be considered while selecting a candidate those are like group discussions, employment background, referral background, interviews, medical tests and etc.

According to the above facts, recruitment process is a great impact on working of the company as a fresh blood, new idea enters in the company. Selection process is also good and it will helps to achieved company’s goal and success.


Armstrong. M. (2014) Armstrong's Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice, London, Kogan

Aswathapa K. Human Reosurce Management. New Delhi: TMH, 2007

Bhattacharyya DK. Human Resource Management. New Delhi: Excel Books, 2010

Gorter CN. Employers’ recruitment behaviour and vacancy duration: an empirical analysis

for the Dutch Labor Market. Applied Economies 1996; 1463-1474.


Venkatesh P. Human Resource Management. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2008.


  1. Today's companies are looking at the recruitment process with more interest, using different methods for it, and are also more interested in recruiting diverse workforce for the organization. The future of an organization depends on the employee and Many business owners understand this.

  2. Very Broad Topic to argue, in my opinion there 2 major factors(Internal and External) are affecting in HRM

    Size of organization
    Recruiting policy
    Image of organization
    Image of job

    Demographic factors
    Labor market
    Unemployment rate
    Labor laws
    Legal considerations

  3. Proper selection of using appropriate methods will make sure the recruitment of a right candidate. Every activity from branding till offering the Job offering letter should be somehow linked to a filtering mechanism to get the right candidate filtered.


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