Importance of “Quality of Working Life” (QWL) as an HR Concept


The QWL is explained as deliberately and ceaselessly intending to improve the quality of working life including expanding the feeling of satisfaction individuals get from their work by, so far as could be expected under the circumstances, lessening repetitiveness, expanding assortment, self-rule and duty, and trying not to put individuals under a lot of pressure (Armstrong, 2006).

As per Kotresh P, following are the good effects of QWL

1. Job Involvement:

Job involvement indicates the extent of people’s identification with, or ego involvement, in the job. Job involved people spend more time on job and turn out better performance.


2. Sense of Competence:

Sense of competence denotes the feelings of confidence that an individual has in his own competence.


3. Job Satisfaction:

Job satisfaction is a set of favorable or unfavorable feelings with which employees view their jobs and the environment in which these are performed. Better quality of work life makes both jobs and the environment in which these are performed favorable resulting in high job satisfaction.


4. Productivity:

Job involvement, job satisfaction, and sense of competence affect productivity of employees. When the level of these factors is high, productivity of employees tends to be high.

Main Advantages of QWL

1. Healthier, satisfied and productive employees

2. Efficient, adaptive and profitable organizations

3. More positive feelings towards one’s self (greater self-esteem)

4. More positive feelings towards one’s job (improved job satisfaction and involvement)

5. More positive feelings towards the organization (stronger commitment to the organization’s goals)

6. Improved physical and psychological health

7. Greater growth and development of the individual as a person and as a productive member of the organization

8. Decreased absenteeism and turnover and fewer accidents

9. Higher quality and quantity of output of goods and services.


Main Disadvantages of QWL

1. Both union and management open themselves to substantial risks.

2. The union may perceive joint activities as a means by which it intends to ‘do them in’.

3. The management may perceive joint activities as an intention of diluting its ability to manage and a means by which the union will acquire more power.

4. The middle management may find it difficult to believe the benefits of QWL and may perceive that the management is ‘becoming soft and giving in to union dominance’.



An organization can just accomplish its objective from a financial viewpoint to the degree that the representatives at the core of the association share these objectives, are inspired, and are given the assets to accomplish their work effectively (Saraji & Dargahi, 2006).

Hence, by observing the Advantages, Disadvantages, QWL as an HR concept plays a major role in achieving Organizational goals by motivating the employees to do their task, and knowing the limits and extent of their work as QWL  


References - Study of Quality Work Life by G Nasal Saraji & H Dargahi, 2006 - Article Shared by Kotresh P

Handbook of Human Resource Management Practices – Michael Armstrong, 2006


  1. You are expected to relate and reflect on the subject matter or the concept to your company or industry or the country.

  2. Quality of working life is a process of work organisations which enable its members at all levels to actively; participate in shaping the companies environment, methods and outcomes. This value based process is aimed towards meeting the twin goals of enhanced effectiveness of organisations and improved quality of life at work for employees as well.

    Well explained good one.

  3. QWL is a good concept to be implemented practically in any given organization in order to keep your people happy to deliver more. Global and own organizational examples will add more value to the article.

  4. in Srilankan companies prospective, The quality of life at work can be defined as the level of satisfaction regarding activities performed and the corporate environment. A quality organizational environment promotes a sense of security and personal and professional development among employees.

  5. In my opinion, QWL directly impacting to the branding of any organization. Companies are looking to enhance their performance levels with the support of the employees and in return they will be rewarder and also when employees are being well treated and looked after it create a good branding opportunity for the company to sustain in the society which is a needed factor to maintain the long run.

  6. QWL is tied to happier employees but also better business results. When the quality of work-life is stable, productivity is bound to increase


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