
Organizational Learning & Learning Disciplines

  As per Roder (2019), the Organizational Learning is the process of transferring the knowledge within the organization. The knowledge has to be acquired by an individual, Group of people & finally the organization in terms of the business development on consistent basis in order to survive & strive within the society. This can be divided in to 04 areas as follows ·          Individual Learning – When an individual worker learns new skills or ideas productivity & performances increases. In order to maximize this, the individual should share the new idea with his co-workers. If not, the knowledge will move out with the worker if he changes the job.   ·          Group Learning – Groups or teams can also learn new skills by working together. ·          Organizational Learning - O rganizational learning is the organization’s process of gaining knowledge related to its function and using that knowledge to adapt to a changing environment and increase efficiency. ·          Inter-

Impacts of Trade Unions

  As per Augustyn et al., (2020), the trade unions also known as labor unions is an association of employees in an organization, trade or industry formed in order to secure the salary/wages increments, working conditions etc through collective bargaining. Under the Trade Union Ordinance of 1935, a “trade union” is defined as any association or combination of workmen or employers, whether temporary or permanent, having among its objects one or more of the following objects:- the regulation of relations between workers and employers, or between workers and workers or between employers and employers; or the imposing of restrictive conditions on the conduct of any trade or business; or the representation of either workers or employers in trade disputes; or the promotion or organization or financing of strikes or lock-outs in any trade or industry or the provision of pay or other benefits for its members during a strike or lock-out, and includes any fede

Recruitment & Selection in HRM

  Organization uses various types of resources. Human resource is one of them and is the most valuable among resources area. Human resources are the living resources, which utilize all other resource effectively to achieve the organization goal. Human Resource Management refers to the techniques through which we can manage the human resources precisely and have better output to achieve the ultimate goal of an organization. To achieve the ultimate target of a company management plays a vital role. They formula various policies and procedures and perform different activities to overcome all kinds of barriers and to reach the goal of the company (Griffin, 2006). But these kinds of activities will be possible only when the plans and policies are favorable to the human resources of an organization. Management always tries to follow the interest of an organization. At the same time, they also try to satisfy the human resources because any company cannot achieve the goal in the short run, wit

Talent Management in HRM & Top Talent Management Strategies in 2019

  Talent Management  is  defined  as the  systematically  organized,  key   handle  of getting  the correct   ability  onboard and  making a difference  them  develop  to their  ideal  capabilities keeping organizational  targets  in  intellect (Ghosh, 2019)   In today’s  commerce  world the  ability   administration   gets to be  one of the  critical  and  alluring   themes  which  may be a  competitive advantage  that makes   esteem  for all companies (Ghosh, 2019) In the current business environments, we can see that all organization work hard to become a first in the industry. But the top of the organization in the current world like Apple , Microsoft and Google try to attract, hire develop and retain the talented employees. Because they believe that the people who are having the significant and unique features are the only assets to success the company goal. Therefore, managing talent will give some advantage to their company. Furthermore, managing talent must be conti

Advantages & Challenges of “E learning” at HRM

  As per Amstrong (2006), E learning could be defined as “Delivering the training & development opportunities through electronic methods”. It is not much about technology, but more focus has been given on the learning aspect of it. There are different types of e learnings available (Armstrong, 2006). They are, ·          Self Paced e-learning – Learner is using technological methods without an instructer ·          Live e-learning – Learner & Instructor both available actively via electronic method ·          Collaborative e-learning – Support through Discussion Forums, Chat rooms to share the knowledge & experience while learning Pinto, (2020) has listed some advantages & challenges of e-learning process Advantages 1.        Efficiency  – E-learning offers a very efficient way to deliver lessons. Use of videos, sharing of resource links, serving assessment tests can all be done at the click of a button. 2.        Affordability  – E-learning is far more


  Existing rapid changes in technology have affected businesses in many more ways in organizational adjustments to a workforce looking for remote and mobile job opportunities and human resources has had to adapt swiftly. If HR wants to continue to play a critical role in helping businesses and manage organizational change, HR must-have to adopt to the current technological aspects. (Biro, 2016) Mobile Technology Digitalized HR apps on mobile platforms, allow individuals to access their information more readily than ever before. In NTB Plc employees ae being given access to a digitalized HR platform. Previously the employees need to visit or email HR every time you had a question about your benefits or paycheck; instead, if it is able to log on to a portal where all that information was at your fingertips. It could use the same portal to request Leave, Time off, or Attendance corrections etc. Mobile HR apps make it easy for employees to access this kind of information anywhere and anyt

Importance of “Quality of Working Life” (QWL) as an HR Concept

  The QWL is explained as deliberately and ceaselessly intending to improve the quality of working life including expanding the feeling of satisfaction individuals get from their work by, so far as could be expected under the circumstances, lessening repetitiveness, expanding assortment, self-rule and duty, and trying not to put individuals under a lot of pressure (Armstrong, 2006). As per Kotresh P, following are the good effects of QWL 1. Job Involvement: Job involvement indicates the extent of people’s identification with, or ego involvement, in the job. Job involved people spend more time on job and turn out better performance.   2. Sense of Competence: Sense of competence denotes the feelings of confidence that an individual has in his own competence.   3. Job Satisfaction: Job satisfaction is a set of favorable or unfavorable feelings with which employees view their jobs and the environment in which these are performed. Better quality of work life makes both job